The Terminal Loop Set 10151
Track plans with terminal loops are
very popular for obvious reasons:
This is for the event that a train leaves
a station in a certain direction and
should return from the same direction
without requiring a shunting maneuver.
When this occurs, the terminal loop is
the only solution to allow the train to
return on the same track.
Fig. 1 This schematic diagram shows
the three possible terminal loops:
Simple terminal loop, double terminal
loop (track diagonal) and track junction.
The unsuspecting model railway enthu-
siast will probably notice upon con-
struction of the first terminal loop that
the excess current fuse which is fitted
into the controller will operate when it
is switched on for the first time. The cir-
cuit of the terminal loop causes a short-
Fig. 2 shows the cause of the short-
circuit. Problems occur at the point in
which the return track meets the place
of the terminal loop since the positive
rail joins up with a negative one. The
isolating track sections which are fitted
prevent a short-circuit by interrupting
the current flow from the returning
rails. This how-ever, does not enable a
locomotive to be run around the termi-
nal loop. The metal wheels of the loco-
motive (or wagon) would still cause a
short-circuit when run over the isolat-
ing track section. The LGB terminal loop
set is an incredibly simple solution to
this problem.
Attention! The 10151 Reverse Loop
Track Set cannot be used with the LGB
Multi-Train System. With the LGB MTS,
use the 55080 MTS Reversing Loop
The LGB Terminal Loop Set 10151
contains a normal isolating track sec-
tion T and a special track section K
(diode track) which is marked with an
arrow to indicate the direction of run-
ning. Operating around a terminal loop
without special wiring and switches
presents no problems with this set.
Operating around a terminal loop
with or without stopping
Fig. 3
A train runs into the terminal
loop with the controller set at position
(1) and stops at the station, controller
position (0). The controller knob is now
turned to position (2), the train can now
run out of the terminal loop. The point
setting remains set to "pulling in"
(10152 ––> 10151). (Point is a manual-
ly operated one).
If the train is run through the terminal
loop without stopping, then the control
knob should be quickly turned from
position (1), via position (0) to position
(2) while the train runs around the
curve of the terminal loop.
A look into the details of a diode
track section for technically-mind-
ed LGB model railway enthusiasts
Fig. 4
Two diodes are fitted into the
track section. These electronic compo-
nents are polarity dependent: they
allow current to flow in only one direc-
tion whereas the other direction is
blocked. As you can see from the illus-
tration, although the voltage has been
reversed on the controller, the polarity
of the track within the terminal loop
remains constant. This technical
process does not apply if the following
suggestions for construction are fol-
Constructing a Terminal
Loop with 10151
Rules for Terminal Loops in Track
¼ Terminal loop traffic may only be