Uninstall and Remove Software on CP
To uninstall and remove software on the CP, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the CP desktop and ensure that all applications and programs are closed.
2. Double-click the AirWave icon
3. Within the AirWave window, identify which software you would like to uninstall. Select the
Uninstall button adjacent to the software application title that you wish to uninstall.
Note: After the software is uninstalled, the software can be reinstalled at a later date
without an Installer USB.
4. Select Yes to proceed with the uninstallation.
5. Select "Remove Bionic Navigator 3D and all features" and then select Next to proceed with
the uninstallation.
Note: If you would like to delete the database, select Delete Database Only and proceed
through the prompts to complete database deletion.
6. When prompted, select Yes to proceed with the uninstallation and then select Finish once
the uninstallation is complete.
7. When prompted select OK to restart the CP.
8. Confirm the software was successfully uninstalled.
Uninstall and Remove Software on CP
to launch AirWave.
Installer for Bionic Navigator 3D 2.20 - Installation Guide
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