3.4 Work ing with the tam per
Set ting the work ing height
Set ting the guide bar out of the op ti mal po si tion can in crease
hand/arm vi bra tion.This must be con sid ered when de ter min ing
the ex po sure pe riod.
Loosen the screws (1) enough so that the bracket moves up
and down. Do not take them com pletely out.
Set the work ing height by turn ing the guide bar (2).
Tighten the screws (1).
Ra te of ad van ce
The ra te of ad van ce can be in flu en ced in two ways:
By chang ing the tilt:
For ward tilt
Rear ward tilt
By put ting weight on the gui de bar:
No weight
He avy weight
3. Ope ra ti on
for ward quickly
for ward slowly
for ward slowly
for ward quic kly