7. Main ten an ce Ma chi ne
Padfoot:Check ing the oil level
Set the vi brat ing tam per aside hor i zon tally.
Shut off the en gine.
Let the vi brat ing tam per stand for a lit tle while so that
the oil can run back into the hous ing.
Clean the oil sight glass.
Check the oil level.
The oil must be at least up to the up per edge of the sight
glass.Top off the oil, if nec es sary.
Padfoot:Chang ing the oil
Use warm oil when chang ing the oil.
Per form the fol low ing tasks with ex treme clean li -
ness and care.
Do not let any dirt or for eign ob jects fall into the
open trans mis sion hous ing or cyl in der.
Clean the oil sight glass (1); lay the tam per on its back and
screw out the oil sight glass.
Drain the used oil.
En vi ron men tal haz ard through op er at ing ma te ri -
Col lect used oil and dis pose of it in an en vi ron -
men tally sound way.
Do not let oil seep in to the ground or se wer.