5. Op tional equip ment
Air fil ter main te nance dis play / Pre-sep a ra tor
(Cy clone)
Tamp ing place short ener
Base plate B=165 mm
Base plate B=200 mm
Base plate B=230 mm
Base plate B=330 mm
Base plate B=400 mm
Base plate B=340 mm, asym met ri cal
Tamp ing place ex ten sion 300 mm, B=150 mm
Op er at ing hours me ter
6. Noise and vi bra tion data
The fol low ing noise and vi bra tion data ac cord ing to EC Ma chin ery Di rec tive in the ver sion (2006/42/EC), was de ter mined, tak ing into ac count the
fol low ing stan dards and di rec tives. In op er a tional use, val ues can de vi ate de pend ing on the pre vail ing con di tions.
6.1 Noise data
The noise data spec i fied in Ap pen dix 1, sub-clause 1.7.4.u of the EC Ma chin ery Di rec tive is for:
Sound pres sure level at the
work place L
Mea sured sound power level L
Guar an teed sound power level L
The noise val ues were de ter mined, tak ing into ac count the fol low ing di rec tives and stan dards:
Di rec ti ve 2000/14/EC / EN ISO 3744 / EN 500-4
6.2 Vi bra tion data
Hand/arm vi bra tion val ues ac cord ing to Ap pen dix 1, sub-clause of the EC Ma chin ery Di rec tive:
To tal vi bra tion value of the
ac cel er a tion a
Un cer tain ty K
The ac cel er a tion value was de ter mined, tak ing into ac count the fol low ing di rec tives and stan dards:
EN 500-4 / DIN EN ISO 5349
As the per mis si ble rat ing sound level of 85 dB (A) can be ex ceeded by this ma chine, op er a tors must wear hear ing pro tec tors.
ATR 60 P
7.1 m/s
/ 23.29 ft/s
1.0 m/s
2. Tech ni cal da ta
ATR 68 P
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
Op ti on
94 dB
105 dB
108 dB
6.9 m/s
/ 22.64 ft/s
/ 3.28 ft/s