3.3 Operating control at the tow-bar
Con trol le ver
The con trol le ver serves for ad just ment of the unbalances in the
ex citer and in turn for coninuous reg u la tion.
For ward
Point com pact ing
Re verse
The con trol le ver re mains au to mat i cally in po si tion only when set
to the max i mum for ward travel set ting (a). In any other po si tion,
the con trol le ver moves in the di rec tion of max i mum for ward
travel when re leased.
If the con trol le ver is op er ated too quickly sev eral times, the shift
le ver will block in re verse travel. In this case:
Re lease le ver in for ward travel po si tion up to max i mum for -
ward travel po si tion
Block ing is cleared within a few sec onds and per fect shift ing is
pos si ble
The con trol le ver can be op er ated only with the en gine run ning.
The le ver blocks if op er ated when the ma chine is sta tion ary.
Block ing is im me di ately cleared when the en gine is re started.
En gine speed con trol le ver
STOP En gine stop
Idle (detent po si tion)
MAX Full load
The mo tor speed can be ad justed steplessly with the con trol le -
ver. At min i mum mo tor speed (min), the drive to the ex citer is dis -
con nected at the cen trif u gal clutch and the mo tor idles. The cen -
trif u gal clutch en gages when the con trol le ver is moved ap prox i -
mately ¼ of its ad just ment travel.
3.4 Adjusting / locking the tow-bar
3.4.1 Adjusting the tow-bar
By turn ing ad just ment-screw (2), the tow-bar can be set to any
po si tions so as ob tain the best work ing height on the tow-bar
3.4.2 Locking the tow-bar
The han dle can be fixed in up right (2) po si tion.The tow-bar lock
makes it eas ier to han dle the ma chine when load ing it.
To pre vent de flec tion, the tow-bar must not be locked
dur ing nor mal op er a tion.
3. Operation