8. Retrofit
8.1 Padfoot
In stall ing the short ener and ex ten sions
For chang ing the work ing height, a tamp ing place short ener and
two ex ten sions are avail able. For this the adap tor be tween the
padfoot and the sus pen sion strut must be re placed.
Lay the tam per on a firm, even sur face (not on the car bu ret tor
Loosen and re move the padfoot (1) and han dle (2).
Loosen and re move the adap tor (3).
Keep the adap tor safe for later use.
Tightly screw on the adap tor or foot ex ten sion (4).Pay at ten -
tion to the in stal la tion po si tion.
In stall and tighten the padfoot (1) and han dle (2).