See also
Example: Density determination using the sample pump } Page 12
5.4.2 Prepare the measuring cell for the next sample
At the end of this phase, the residue in the measuring cell must be soluble in the next sample. The solubility of
the sample defines if you can drain the measuring cell or if you need to rinse it.
If the next sample dissolves the sample you just measured, you can drain the cell.
If the next sample does not dissolve the sample you just measured, you have to rinse the measuring cell with a
cleaning solution. The cleaning solution must dissolve the sample that you just measured and the next sample.
When you rinse the measuring cell, the cleaning solution removes the residue from the original sample.
See also
Clean the measuring cell } Page 15
5.5 Example: Density determination using the sample pump
The following chapters show you how to configure and perform a density determination of deionized water at
room temperature (23 °C or 73.4 °F).
Summary of the configuration
Guided density determination
Filling and draining with the sample pump
Evaluation if result lies within specified limits
You can find more information about the configuration of a method in the Reference Manual.
5.5.1 Configure the method
The density unit is set to [g/cm
Confirmation of results in Settings is activated.
The home screen is open.
1 Move the navigation joystick to the left.
ð The Methods window opens.
2 Press the New key.
ð The Method settings window opens.
3 Navigate to Method ID and enter a name with up to 25 characters.
4 Press the OK key.
ð The method is listed in the Methods window.
5 Change the parameter settings to the values shown in the following table.
Sample ID entry
Fill cycle
The density meter prompts users to fill and drain the
measuring cell.
The density meter prompts users to enter the sample ID
before the density is measured.
The density meter prompts users to fill and drain the
measuring cell twice and then fill the measuring cell for
the measurement.
Handheld Density Meter