Unpacking and installing wheels
Open the package and remove all edge protection profiles.
Remove the wheel set (6430007) found on the back side.
Lift the packaging upward.
The MaxiFil Clean device stands on the cardboard box bottom and is bolted to the
pallet by means of two metal brackets. Cut the corners of the cardboard box
bottom with a knife to be able to fold the sides. To ensure complete removal of the
transport fixtures, loosen the bolts of the metal brackets and remove the two
bigger screws.
The set of wheels contains all wheels, including all minor components required for
installation and a separate pictorial manual for installation of the wheels.
Follow this manual when performing the installation.
Now carefully remove the MaxiFil Clean device from the palette moving it to the
Exhaust arm installation
The exhaust arm consists of three main parts - swivel ring, supporting structure and
exhaust nozzle. These parts are individually packaged in cardboard boxes.
The cardboard box with the supporting structure includes instructions for the
installation and adjustment of the exhaust arm. Follow the installation instructions of
the exhaust arm on the mobile device.
KEMPER MaxiFil Clean Instruction manual - EN
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Technical changes and errors reserved.