button, all locomotives will stop.
All information stored in the Cen-
tral Station (e.g., locomotive
speeds) will be erased. The left
LED will change from green to red
and back to green.
To restart a loco, set the loco
address selector on the Train
address. Turn the speed/direction
control to the center „off" position.
Then turn the control to the desi-
red speed and direction.
Analog Control Option
The „7+1" mode is for the „Analog
Control" option. When this option
is on, one conventional locomoti-
ve (a loco without a decoder) can
be controlled with the Multi-Train
System. The conventional loco
uses Address 8. The Analog Con-
trol option cannot be used on lay-
outs using the 55025 Switch
To activate the Analog Control
- Press the 7+1 button and the
Reset button at the same time.
The right LED will turn off. This
indicates that the Analog Control
option is on.
- Set the loco address selector
to Address 8 to control the con-
ventional loco. The speed and
direction of the conventional loco
can be controlled with the Train
Mouse. However, the lights and
other functions of the conventio-
nal loco can not be controlled with
the Train Mouse.
- Conventional locomotives may
go in the opposite direction,
depending on the direction the
loco is placed on the track.
Always test the operation of con-
ventional locos.
- To deactivate the Analog Con-
trol option, press the Reset but-
- Conventional locomotives will
make a buzzing noise, especially
when stopped. This is caused by
the complex signal transmitted
through the track to decoder-
equipped locos. This will not harm
a conventional LGB locomotive.
Installing the Decoder
Multi-Train System decoders can
be installed in most LGB locos.
We strongly recommend fac-
tory installation of Multi-Train
System decoders. For factory
installation, contact one of the
LGB service stations listed below:
Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk
Saganer Strasse 1-5
D-90475 Nürnberg
Telephone: (0911) 83707 0
Fax: (0911) 8370770
LGB of America
6444 Nancy Ridge Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Telephone: (619) 535-9387
Fax: (619) 535-1091
Whether your loco can be eqip-
ped with decoders depends pri-
marily on the type of gearbox
used in the loco. Use the chart
below to identify the gearbox and
installation procedures for your
locos. Also refer to the instruc-
tions for the loco for more infor-
Locos with „Direct" Decoder
These locomotives have a round
sticker with six white dots on the
gearbox, with „Direct Decoder"
written on the sticker.
Factory Installation: The LGB
service stations will install deco-
ders in these locos for a fee.
Do-It-Yourself Installation: If
you have a moderate degree of
mechanical and electrical ability,
you can install decoders in these
locos. The decoder simply is plug-
ged into the loco circuit board.
Locos with Decoder Interface
These locomotives have a round
sticker with six white dots on the
Factory Installation: The LGB
service stations will install deco-
ders in these locos for a fee.
Do-It-Yourself Installation: If
you have a moderate degree of
mechanical and electrical ability,
you can install decoders in these
locos yourself using the Decoder
Interface Cable (55026).
Small Locos
LGB locos 20010, 20030, 20130
and similar models are too small
to install the 55020 Multi-Train
System decoder.
Track Cleaning Locos
These are the 2067 and 20670
Track Cleaning Locomotives.
Factory Installation: The LGB
service stations will install deco-
ders in these locos for a fee.
Do-It-Yourself Installation: Do-
it-yourself installation is possible
only for track cleaning locos
(20670) that are equipped with a
decoder interface. Read the loco