What is the LGB Multi-
Train System?
With the LGB Multi-Train System,
it's easy to operate more than one
train on the same track at the
System is for beginners and for
experts, who can take advantage
of the system to make complex
train operations easier than ever.
The Multi-Train System has three
basic components:
- Central Station. This compact
unit connects up to 7 Train
Mouse Controls to an LGB track
layout and to an LGB power sup-
ply. The Central Station has four
connection terminals, two status
LEDs, a „Reset" button and a
„7+1" button.
- Decoder. This high-capacity
receiver is installed in an LGB
locomotive. It receives commands
transmitted through the track by
the Central Station. The address
of the decoder is programmed by
remote control using a Train
- Train Mouse Control. This
speed/direction control, Emer-
gency Stop button, loco address
selector and two function buttons.
The Train Mouse has a built-in 5
meter (16.4 foot) connecting
cable. Instead of the Train Mouse,
you can use one of the LGB Uni-
versal Power Remotes.
What do you need?
To use the LGB Multi-Train
System, you need:
- an LGB layout. You can use the
Multi-Train System with virtually
any LGB track layout. For more
information, read „Installing the
Multi-Train System."- an LGB
power supply. You can use any
LGB power supply (transformer or
power pack) with the Multi-Train
System. However, the actual
number of trains (up to eight) you
can operate is dependent on the
power output of your power supp-
ly and the power capacity of the
Central Station (5 amps maxi-
mum). We recommend the High-
Output AC Transformer (50110
230 volt, 50111 110 volt).
- a Multi-Train System Central
Station. A Central Station is
included with the Multi-Train
System starter pack.
- a Multi-Train System Control.
A Multi-Train System Train Mouse
control is included with the Multi-
Train System starter pack. Train
Mouse Controls are also available
separately as 55010.You can also
use LGB Universal Power con-
tols, like the 55015 Universal
Remote and the 55016 Loco
- an LGB locomotive equipped
with a Multi-Train System deco-
System Starter Pack includes a
Multi-Train System decoders can
be installed in most LGB locos.
„Installing the Decoder."
- connecting cables. One long
and one short cable are included
with the Multi-Train System star-
ter pack.
- screwdriver. You need a small,
connect the cables.
Installing the
Multi-Train System
- Remove any diodes from the
layout. Some LGB layouts use
diodes for train direction control
(e.g., in reversing loops).
- Place the Central Station near
the power supply. The LGB
Multi-Train System can be used
with indoor and outdoor layouts.
However, protect the Central Sta-
tion from moisture. Do not install
the Central Station in an unventi-
lated space or near heat sources.
- Connect the Central Station to
the power supply. Use the short
blue/red cable included with the
starter pack. Connect the pair of
terminals marked „~" on the Cen-
tral Station to the accessory
power (AC) terminals on the
power supply. You can connect
either wire to either AC terminal.
If you are using an LGB power
pack that does not have AC ter-
minals, you can use the track
power (DC) terminals. You can
connect either wire to either DC
terminal. If you use the DC termi-
nals, set the speed control to the
highest normal position.
Use LGB power supplies (trans-
formers and power packs) only.
- Connect the Central Station to
the layout. Use the long blue/red
track cable included with the star-
ter pack. Connect the pair of ter-
minals marked „1 2" on the Cen-
tral Station to the track.