Immediately discontinue use of the device in the event of glare,
reduced field of vision, or discomfort.
LUCIMED is not responsible for accidents
II. Use
A. When can I use Luminette® Drive?
1. To combat seasonal blues
Lacking energy and motivation? Have difficulty getting up in the morning?
Feel the need to hibernate? Snack more? Notice a decrease in your libido?
You are probably experiencing the winter blues. This condition is the
result of a reduction in brightness in autumn and winter. We recommend a
light therapy session as soon as possible after waking up.
2. To combat fatigue and low energy
The Luminette® Drive reproduces the beneficial effects of the sun and
stimulates specific receptors in the eyes that trigger the body's energizing
response to light. This helps combat energy loss, makes you feel more fit,
active, and alert, it can also improve your mood. We recommend a light
therapy session as soon as possible after waking up.
3. To combat sleep rhythm disorders
Some sleep disorders are caused by an advance or delay in the biological
clock. In these cases, light therapy can provide a solution.