SecurAccess Compact PMR – User Guide
3. Programming
3.1. Entering local programming mode
1. Open the unit
2. Connect to the telephone line
3. Reach the small programming keypad
4. Press "*" key and, while keeping it depressed, press one of the off-hook memory buttons.
5. Release the off-hook memory button first and the "*" key after : 2 "beep" tones will confirm
entering the programming mode.
6. Enter the 4 digits code within 8 seconds :
the code, 1 "beep" tone confirms a wrong code was entered: resume the operation at
point 4.
entering the programming mode.
Keep depressed M1 (off-hook memory button) and * (small keypad inside)
Release M1
Release *
2 "beep" tones
Note: All correct entries are confirmed by a double "beep" tone Wrong entries are confirmed by a low long
"beep" tone and the unit will hang up.
3.2. Entering remote programming mode
1. Call the SecurAccess COMPACT PMR and wait until it automatically answers (the number of
rings before automatic answer can be changed, factory setting is 3 rings).
2. Two "beep" tones are emitted and within the following 4 seconds, press * to enter the
programming mode (above 4 seconds, a normal communication is established). Another
double "beep" tones confirm entering the programming mode.
3. Within the following 8 seconds, enter the 4 digits programming access code (0000 with factory
the code, 1 "beep" tone confirms a wrong code was entered: resume the operation.
entering the programming mode.
Calling the SecurAccess COMPACT PMR using a Tone dialling telephone.
2 "beep" tones
2 "beep" tones
If a wrong code is entered or if it takes more than 8 seconds to enter
If the code is correct, 2 "beep" tones will be emitted confirming
If a wrong code is entered or if it takes more than 8 seconds to enter
If the code is correct, 2 "beep" tones will be emitted confirming
2 "beep" tones: entering the programming mode
4 digits access code (0000: factory settings)
Confirming entering the programming mode
Calling the SecurAccess COMPACT PMR
The SecurAccess COMPACT PMR answers and goes off-
Entering the programming mode
Confirming the entry
4 digits (0000 by default)