40. Connect the clevis to the center hole of the control horn.
With the radio on and aileron servo centered, adjust the
link to center the aileron.
41. Once set, slide the clevis retainer (silicone tubing) over
the forks of the clevises, then tighten the nuts against
the clevises. Use threadlock on the nuts to prevent them
from vibrating loose.
42. Center the fl ap servos using the radio system. Prepare
both fl ap servos at this time. The output of the servo
arms will be identical so the fl aps work in the same
directions. Use side cutters to remove any unused arm so
they don't interfere with the operation of the servo.
43. Enlarge the hole in the servo arm that is 5/8-inch
(16mm) from the center of the servo. (Drawing is not to
The servo arm length listed is suited for sport flying.
Longer servo arms, such as those included with DUB671,
can be used for more extreme throws and 3D flight.
44. Install the fl ap servo and assemble the linkage for the
fl ap using the same technique as the aileron linkage. Use
the radio system to set the fl ap to the up position. Adjust
the link so the fl ap is in the up fl ap position.
5/8 inch
45. Use the radio system to set the fl ap to the down position.
Use the radio to set the full defl ection position.
46. Fit the dowels on the leading edge of the wing into the
holes in the fuselage.
47. Place the wing bolt plate on the wing, then thread the
1/4-20 x 1
-inch nylon wing bolts into the blind nuts in
the fuselage to secure the wing.
48. The wing bolt plate can be glued directly to the wing.
Use a felt-tipped pen to trace the outline of the wing bolt
plate on the top of the wing.
49. Remove the wing bolts and wing bolt plate. Use a hobby
knife with a new #11 blade to remove the covering 3/32-
inch (2mm) inside the lines drawn on the wing.