Security check
The system was programmed (70#) to lock out the system for 30 seconds when the
wrong code is entered 10 times.
Deliberately enter the wrong code 10 times, pressing the # key after each code. After
each # key press, the control unit should emit 5 beeps.
After this, your entire system is locked out for 30 seconds.
Entry of each code must take no longer than 10 seconds between each key
press or the system will return to normal operation. If this occurs then the
false entries are ignored.
Door alarm
In the programming example (801#) your system was set to trigger an alarm when the
connection between "DOOR SENS" and "ground" is interrupted. Open this connection
(e.g. open the door) without entering user code 1 and do not press the door opener in
the inner room.
Your base unit should now signal an alarm for 60 seconds.
The alarm can be ended preterm by entering user code 1.
Door remains open for too long
In the programming example, your system was configured to trigger an alarm when the
door remains open for longer than 60 seconds. This setting is intended to serve as a
reminder that the entrance door is still open.
Enter user code 1 and open the door.
In this case, no alarm is triggered
If the door remains open for longer than 60 seconds then the alarm sounds. Just close
the door to switch off the alarm.