10. DCF-Reception
a) General Information
The DCF signal is a signal that is sent by a transmitter in Mainflingen (near
Frankfurt on the Main). Its range is up to 1500 km, and under perfect recep-
tion conditions even up to 2000 km.
Among others, the DCF signal contains the precise time and date.
This means you do not have to switch manually between daylight savings
time and normal time at the weather station; the time is adjusted automa-
The first DCF reception test is performed when the basis station has com-
pleted the search for the outdoor sensors.
Search for the DCF signal and its evaluation may take up to 10 minutes. Do not move the weather station
during this time and do not press any button.
Further reception attempts are performed at 02:03 and 03:03am. A single successful reception per day will keep the
deviation of the clock in the weather station below a second.
If no correct time is displayed at initial commissioning even after more than 10 minutes due to reception problems,
start a new reception attempt. Proceed as described in chapter 10. b).
For more information on what to observe when selecting the site of setup for the weather station, see chapters „Trou-
bleshooting" and „Range"; they also offer information on what to try to achieve perfect DCF signal reception.
If no DCF reception is possible at the weather station setup site, set the time and date manually; see chapter 11. b).
b) Start Search for the DCF Signal
Keep the button „PRESSURE/ " (6) pushed for about 3 seconds until the reception icon for the DCF signal flashes
in the upper right of the display.
Wait for a few minutes as described in chapter 10. a) until the search for the DCF signal is completed.
Symbol flashes = search for DCF signal
Symbol is displayed permanently = perfect reception of the DCF signal
No reception