protech Helin 47G Instructions D'utilisation page 23

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To actively prevent a fi re:
Lithum Polymer Do's
Do Always use a correctly specifi ed Lithium Polymer charger [mandatory]
Do Always double-check that your multi-function charger is set in LiPo mode [extremely important]
Do ensure that your charger has a clean power supply such as a car battery that is not itself on charge
Do Always set the charger to the total series cell count "s" of your pack (or packs if charging in series)
Do read the battery label to confi rm the cell count for charging shown e.g. "charge as 3 cell".
Do handle and transport carefully to avoid piercing, deformation or short circuit with other objects.
Do Disconnect batteries fully from ESC's with BEC to prevent slow over-discharge.
Do ensure connectors are insulated correctly to prevent short circuit in handling or storage
Do always check that batteries are physically and electrically undamaged before charge or discharge
Lithum Polymer Don'ts
Don't ever allow charging to continue above 4.25V per "s" series cell [defi nition of overcharging]
Don't confuse the total number of actual cells in a pack (e.g. 6 for 3s2p) with the series cell count (3 for 3s2p)
Don't set the charge current limit above 1C unless you have special equipment available and supervise the process fully. 1C = 3.2Amps for a 3200mAh
pack, 0.83Amps for an 830mAh pack and so on. Chose an available charger setting at or below the 1C value for your pack.
Don't charge dissimilar or un-matched packs in series or with any difference in cell type, cell capacity, pack capacity or charge state (+/- 0.03V per
cell). If in any doubt, charge separately.
Don't permit your pack to be discharged below 3.0V per cell (hint, use monitoring and timing or a Lithium-safe ESC, land immediately in case of
noticeable power drop, over-discharge = overheating/damage)
Don't expose batteries to intense heat or prolonged exposure to elevated temperature
Don't charge any pack containing one or more damaged or swollen cell.
Don't continue charging if any part of the pack is getting warm (Lipo packs should charge cool)
Don't charge any pack that is undervoltage after recovery (under 3.0V per series cell)
Don't charge batteries unattended, always remain alert and monitor the charging process
To limit the consequences of a potential fi re hazard:
Charge in an isolated area away from fl ammables and valuables and avoid charging batteries in the model. If you decide to charge in the vicinity of
other property, equip your charging location with a dry extinguisher or fi re blanket. Never charge in a moving vehicle where the dangers of fi re and
smoke can be compounded by the risk of a road accident. If the battery is crashed in a model, or gets warm during charging place the battery in
an open space for observation, never directly into a vehicle, clubhouse, garage or home. If at any time you observe a cell or pack that has started
to balloon or swell up, place in a safe area for observation. If swelling occurs while charging, disconnect immediately and place in a safe place for
observation. If the wire leads accidentally short out place battery in a safe place and observe for 15 minutes. If you determine that the battery should
be disposed of, discharge it slowly to dead fl at before throwing away or recycling so it does not present a short-circuit danger to the waste disposal
system. Use a light bulb or immerse in salt water to discharge slowly.
Please note: Terms of use. The purpose of this document is to warn you of the safety considerations surrounding batteries of this type so that you
are better informed when making decisions and taking precautions concerning their use. These batteries are intended for RC fl ight only, no other
use is approved. Because RC modelling invariably requires decisions about preparation and deployment to pass beyond our control (and that of our
retailers or agents) your decision to use PROTECH product incorporates your agreement that you have read and understood the safety precautions
printed here and on each battery pack, and that you agree to accept full responsibility for any injury, loss or damage resulting from all circumstances
surrounding your use or misuse of this product. You are also responsible for inspecting and detecting any signs of damage or defect before and after
fl ight and prior to charging and to discontinue use immediately if any such issue arises. If you do not agree to these terms of use, you are under no
obligation to proceed.
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Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Helixx t0508

Table des Matières