Introduction / Inleiding / Introduction / Vorwort
This helicopter is 100% ready to fl y. It has been factory tested and trimmed to fl y as soon as the batteries are ready. This manual is an overview of
the construction and operation of this R/C helicopter to be used as a reference.
The HELIXX is a truly Ready-for-Anyone-to-fl y micro helicopter. Coaxial counter-rotating blades cancel out the rotational torque that makes hover-
ing a conventional helicopter so diffi cult while providing unsurpassed stability in all other phases of fl ight too. Whether you are a fi rst time helicopter
pilot or an experienced pilot looking for the best coaxial micro helicopter.
A helicopter model is by no means a harmless plaything. If handled incompetently or carelessly it can cause injury to persons and
damage to property.
When the model helicopter's motor is running, the two rotors are spinning at high speed and contain an enormous quantity of rotational
energy. Anything and everything that gets into the rotational plane of the rotors is either damaged or destroyed – and that includes parts
of your body. Please take extreme care at all times with this machine.
If any object obstructs the rotational plane of the revolving rotors, severe damage will probably be caused to the rotor blades as well
as the object. Broken parts may fl y off and result in enormous imbalance; the whole helicopter then falls into sympathetic vibration, you
lose control and have no way of predicting what the model will do next.
You may also lose control if a problem arises in the radio control system, perhaps as a result of outside interference, component failure
or fl at or faulty batteries, but in any case the result is the same: the model helicopter's response is entirely unpredictable. Without prior
warning it may move off in any direction.
Helicopters have many parts which are naturally subject to wear, including gearbox components, motor, ball-links etc., and as a result
it is absolutely essential to check and maintain the model regularly. It is standard practice with full-size aircraft to give the machine a
thorough "pre-fl ight check" before every fl ight, and this is equally important with your model helicopter. Constant checking gives you the
opportunity to detect and correct any faults which may develop before they are serious enough to cause a crash.
This helicopter is designed to be operated by adults, although young people of 16 years or more may do so under the instruction and
supervision of competent adults.
The model features sharp points and edges which may cause injury.
Controlling a model helicopter successfully is not easy; you will need persistence and determination to learn the skills, and good hand-
eye co-ordination as a basic requirement.
Before you attempt to fl y the model you should study the subject of helicopters in depth, so that you have a basic understanding of how
the machines work. Read everything you can on the theory of helicopters, and spend as much time as you can watching other model
helicopter pilots fl ying. Talk to chopper pilots, ask their advice, and enroll at a specialist model fl ying school if you need to. Many model
shops will also be prepared to help you.
Please be sure to read right through these instructions before you start operation of the model. It is important that you clearly
understand the complete procedure before you begin fl ying.
Don't make modifi cations to the model's construction by using parts other than those specifi cally recommended, unless you are certain
of the quality and suitability of these other parts for the task.
We have made every effort to point out to you the dangers inherent in operating this model helicopter. Since neither we, the
manufacturer, nor the model shop that sold you the kit have any infl uence over the way you build and operate your model, we are
obliged to disclaim any liability in connection with it.
As manufacturers, we at PROTECH are not in a position to infl uence the way you build and set up the model, nor how you install, operate and
maintain the radio control system components. For this reason we are obliged to deny all liability for loss, damage or costs which are incurred due
to the incompetent or incorrect use and operation of our products, or which are connected with such operation in any way.
Unless otherwise prescribed by binding law, the obligation of the PROTECH company to pay compensation, regardless of the legal argument
employed, is limited to the invoice value of that quantity of PROTECH products which was immediately and directly involved in the event which
caused the damage. This does not apply if PROTECH is found to be subject to unlimited liability according to binding legal regulation on account
of deliberate or gross negligence.
Deze helicopter is 100% vliegklaar. Dit model is getest en afgesteld en kan gevlogen worden wanneer de batterijen geladen zijn. Deze handleiding
geeft een overzicht van de constructie van de helicopter en de bediening en kan worden gebruikt als referentie.
De HELIXX helicopter wordt vliegklaar-voor-iedereen geleverd. De links-rechts draaiende rotor
tionele staartrotor overbodig en geeft de helicopter een ongeëvenaarde stabiliteit tijdens het vliegen. Ongeacht u een ervaren piloot of complete
beginner bent.
een modelhelikopter is geen onschuldig speelgoed! Door onjuist of onverantwoord gebruik kan er ernstige schade toegebracht worden
aan personen en eigendommen.
De twee rotors van een helikoptermodel in werking draaien tegen zeer hoge snelheid en ontwikkelen een enorme kracht. Alles wat en
iedereen die zich in het rotatiebereik van de rotoren bevindt, wordt vernietigd of op zijn minst ernstig beschadigd, met inbegrip van
lichaamsdelen. Wees op elk moment uiterst voorzichtig!
Elk voorwerp dat in het draaivlak van de rotoren terechtkomt, wordt beschadigd, maar zal ook de rotorbladen beschadigen. Stukken die
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heeft geen draaimoment en maakt de conven-