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Modell g.p.m. l/min. p.s.i. °C °F (USA) R3HP – R3XHP 6527 11.7 R3LP – R3XLP 3336 13.2 Questo manuale deve essere letto e compreso in accordo al manuale generico istruzioni d’uso e manutenzione valvole This manual must be read and understood according to the generic use and maintenance manual of the valves Ce manuel doit être lu et compris selon les instructions de la notice générale d'utilisation et d'entretien des soupapes...
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90517050 Anello antiestr. D.28x36x1.5 (LP) Kit N° Posizione incluse – Positions included Nr Pcs 90271400 Anello ten.alt.D.22x30x6 LP VALVOLA R3HP e VALVOLA R3XHP 90275200 Anello ten.alt.D.28x36x6 HP 13, 14, 16, 21, 22 36012466 Distanziale HP VALVOLA R3LP e VALVOLA R3XLP...
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Per assicurare la tenuta interporre una rondella metallica con anello in gomma tra i raccordi o inserire un appropriato materiale di tenuta sul filetto. In order to ensure the seal, fit a metal washer with a rubber ring between the fittings, or use a proper sealant on the thread.
- 3336psi) producono portate di circa 341 L/min e per portate massime di 500L/min generano pressioni di circa 15.7 MPa (157 bar – 2277 psi). 3.3- R3HP – R3XHP Per ottimizzare l’abbinamento pompa-valvola è necessario limitare il campo d’utilizzo della valvola in funzione della pressione e portata della pompa a una potenza massima di 150 kW (205 HP).
15.7 MPa (157bar - 2277 psi) for maximum flow rates of 500 l/min. 3.3- R3HP – R3XHP In order to optimize the pump-valve coupling, it is necessary to keep the valve operation range, as a function of the pump pressure and flow rate, within a maximum power of 150 kW (205 HP).
15.7 MPa (157 bar – 2277 psi) pour des débits maximums de 500 l/min. 3.3- R3HP – R3XHP Afin d’optimiser l’accouplement pompe-soupape, il faut limiter le domaine d’utilisation de la soupape en fonction de la pression et du débit de la pompe, à...
15.7 Mpa (157 bar – 2277 psi). manueller Einstellung und Druckbetätigung, die den Druck der Pumpe/Anlage gemäß den eingestellten Werten 3.3- R3HP – R3XHP Zur Optimierung der Pumpen-Ventil- begrenzt und das überschüssige Wasser ablässt. Wenn Kombination muss der Einsatzbereich des Ventils je nach der Ausfluss blockiert ist, lässt es außerdem die...