10.1.1 Screen display [31]
By moving the respective slider, you can adjust the brightness, contrast,
saturation, hue (only on Android) and sharpness.
The image can be flipped from left to right (mirror - vertical mirroring)
and/or from top to bottom (flip - horizontal mirroring).
Factory setting: not mirrored
10.1.2 Resolution [37]
Here you can choose between 640 x 480 pixels and 320 x 240 pixels. The
640 x 480 setting takes up more storage space for recordings and displays
fewer images per second, but in return the picture is more detailed. The
320 x 240 settings takes up less storage space for recordings and shows
more images per second, but in return the picture is less detailed.
Factory setting: 640 x 480 pixels
Audio cache time(ms):
by selecting your preferences with "+" and "-",
you can adjust the audio buffer between 0 and 1000 ms (with smaller
buffers, audio data can be heard faster but are less precise, with larger
buffers the system has more time to better process the audio data,
although they are played back delayed).
Factory setting: 100 ms
10.1.3 Audio function [33]
Tap to switch the audio function on or off (mute function).
Factory setting: Off
Note for iOS:
If the audio function is switched off during manual recording, no
sound will be audible when playing back the recording.
10.1.4 Still image [32]
To freeze an image, press " " [32]. The still image will be shown
(indicated by the fact that the time [29] in the picture stops running).
To return to the live view, press " " (the time now displays the current
time once again).
10.1.5 Manual recording [36]
To make a manual recording of the live view, press [36]. For the duration
of the recording, the icon [36] will light up red.
To stop recording, press the icon [36] again, or return to the camera list
and the recording will stop automatically.
The recordings will be saved in the "Album" on the mobile device with
which they were made. On iOS mobile devices, you can only access these
data via the app, not via the mobile device directly. In contrast to other
Android mobile devices, this data will be deleted when the camera is
On iOS mobile devices: If the audio function was switched off during
manual recording, no sound will be audible when playing back the
10.1.6 Snapshot [38]
To take a manual snapshot of the live view, press [38].
The recordings will be saved in the "Album" on the device with which they
were made.
36 - GB
On iOS mobile devices, you can only access these data via the app, not via
the mobile device directly. In contrast to other Android mobile devices, this
data will be deleted when the camera is deleted.
10.2 Album
All snapshots and manual recordings of the live view are saved in the "album"
All registered cameras will be displayed, along with the number of snapshots
and manual recordings in brackets.
To delete all saved data, press the cog icon and then the recycle bin icon
that will appear. In iOS, you also need to confirm with "YES".
When you press the corresponding camera field, the saved data will be
displayed by date and time recorded (see file name: e.g.
20141103111329.png" - Data from 03.11.2014 at 11:13 a.m.). The
manual recordings are identified by the " " icon on the image.
To delete a single file, press the recycle bin icon here and, on iOS, also
confirm with "YES".
To view a snapshot or play back a recording, press the corresponding
image. To return to the list, press the "Back" button on Android, and on iOS
"Back" for snapshots or "Done" for recordings.
11. Important notes on the recording
function and the sending of emails
The camera has a motion detection function that can trigger a recording and
possibly send an email. This function, as well as the automatic recording
according to a schedule, requires the use of a formatted micro-SD card. If no
micro-SD card is inserted, automatic recordings are not possible.
If a micro-SD card is inserted, the automatic recording function is
available. As soon as this software recognises a pixel change in the image
(= motion detection) when the motion detection and automatic recording
functions are activated (see Chapter 12.2.7), a 59-second video and audio
recording will be initiated and saved on the micro-SD card (the audio will
always be recorded, even if the sound is switched off). The sensitivity of the
detection of pixel changes in images can be adjusted (see Chapter 12.2.7).
After motion detection has been activated, an email with 1 to 10 images
can be sent to up to four email addresses (see Chapter 12.2.6).
If the memory card is full, the oldest data are automatically overwritten
(ring memory).
Rather than viewing the recordings via the app, you can also remove the
micro-SD card and view the recordings on your PC (providing you have an
appropriate video viewer/player installed).
12. App: Menu
In the camera field [18], press the menu icon [25]. The following items will
appear in the menu bar [see Fig. E]:
12.1 List of recordings [39 - Events]
Here you can access all automatically created recordings that have been saved
on the micro-SD card in the camera.
First by date, then by time