Put on weight 1 (see table chap. 6.8.1)
Wait for the stability display and the signal sound
„LoAd 2" appears
Remove weight 1 and put on the weight 2
After the stability display and the signal sound
„LoAd 3" appears; remove weight 2 and put on
weight 3
After the stability display and the signal sound
„LoAd 4" appears; remove weight 3 and put on
weight 4
After having placed weight 4, „LoAd 0" appears
Remove weight 4, „LoAd 4" appears anew
Place weight 4 again
Wait for the stability display and the signal
sound, „LoAd 3" will be displayed
Remove weight 4 and place weight 3
Wait for the stability display and the signal
sound, „LoAd 2" will be displayed
Remove weight 3 and place weight 2
Wait for the stability display and the signal
sound, „LoAd 1" will be displayed
Remove weight 2 and place weight 1
Wait for the stability display and the signal sound
„LoAd 0" will be displayed
Remove weight 1
After the stability display and the signal sound
the balance carries out a selftest and changes
into the weighing mode. Now the linearization is
concluded successfully.