Change the gear only when the tool is not running; slightly turn the working
spindle to ease the speed change.
Never apply force and change the gear only when the
machine is at a standstill!
Never use tools, such as hammers or pliers to change
the gear.
Dust Exhaustion
Water Supply
For wet drilling, the soft impact must be switched off!
The maximum water pressure should not exceed 3 bars. In case of
higher water pressure, a pressure relieve valve must be used.
The connector for the tool should be a GARDENA hose connector.
You can obtain it from your local dealer. Use only pure tap water.
Dust which occurs during your work is
hazardous to health. That is why it is
advisable to use a deduster (Dust class M)
and to wear a dust mask on dry drilling.
Place the adapter for the dedusting unit onto
the tool's connector and turn into the
direction of the arrow up to the stop. As a
suitable wet/dry deduster, our DSS 35 M iP
is available as add-on. The use of a
dedusting system is also a prerequisite for
optimal cutting performance of the bit (air
Place the adapter with the ball valve onto
the tool's connector and turn into the
direction of the arrow up to the stop.
Connect the tool to the water supply
system or a water pressure vessel using
the push fit nipple.