* no. = see product assembly instructions - Warning: the cable cross-section is indicative and varies according to the motor power and cable length.
To connect the antenna, use RG58 cable (up to 5 m).
For installation in an outdoor environment, use cables with properties at least equivalent to those of type H05RN-F (with designation 60245 IEC 57).
For installation in an indoor environment, use cables with properties at least equivalent to those of type H05VV-F (designation to 60227 IEC 53).
If the cable lengths differ from those specified in the table, define the cable cross-sections according to the actual power draw of the connected devices and in
line with regulation CEI EN 60204-1.
For multiple, sequential loads along the same line, recalculate the values in the table according to the actual power draw and distances. For information on
connecting products not covered in this manual, please see the documentation accompanying the products themselves.