The blue LED "STATUS" located on the TPS-mini base front panel
indicates with its flashing frequency the system operating conditions:
See the appendix "Technical Information" for a detailed description
of the TPS-mini control panel.
TPS-mini Switching off
To switch off the TPS-mini it is sufficient to move the external switch
to OFF position (red light off). The integrated controller immediately
stops the pump.
Emergency Stop
To immediately stop the TPS-mini in an emergency condition it is
necessary to remove the supply cable from the mains plug or moving
the external switch to OFF position.
TPS-mini User Manual / 87-901-003-01 (D)
with no flashing: the pump is normally rotating;
slowly flashing (period of about 400 ms): the system is in ramp,
or in braking, or in Stop, or in "Waiting for interlock" status;
fast flashing (period of about 200 ms): error condition.
Instructions for Use