• When using the Nikon D4, D3-Series, Df, D800-Series,
D700, D610, D600, D300-Series, D90, D7100, D7000,
D5300, D5200, D5100, D5000, D3200, D3100 or D3000
camera, you can take a picture without operating the
aperture stop-down button (the aperture can be stopped
down to a selected aperture automatically by pressing the
shutter release button without pressing the aperture stop-
down button). Alternatively, the aperture stop-down button
can be used.
• While using tilting and/or shifting, the camera's
electronic range finder cannot be used to confirm
correct focusing. Focus should be confirmed by checking
the image in the camera's viewfinder.
• When you change the degree of tilt and/or shift after
focusing the subject will become out of focus.
Infrared compensation
For photography using infrared film, attach a red (R60)
filter to the lens and compensate the focus manually.
First, focus on the subject manually. Rotate the focus
ring to realign the desired distance scale number
("0.5 m" in fig. 11) to
scale in fig. 11) to compensate the focus. Attach an
R60 filter for infrared photography.
9. Depth of field
• Approximate depth of field can
be determined by checking the
depth of field scale.
• Using the aperture stop-down
button of the lens or the camera's
depth-of-field preview (stop-down)
button (with the D4, D3-Series, Df,
D800-Series, D700, D610, D600,
D300-Series, D90, D7100 or
D7000 camera), the depth of field
can be observed while looking
through the camera viewfinder.
("8" on the depth of field
Depth of field scale
Distance index
Fig. 11