Stopping the robot lawn mower
If you want to stop the robot lawn mower while it is mowing the lawn or returning back to
the charging station, press the big red STOP button.
Setting cutting height
The robot lawn mowers cutting height can be adjusted from 20-60 mm.
If the grass is higher than 60 mm when the robot is being installed, it will be necessary to
cut the grass with a regular lawn mower first, otherwise there will be too much load on the
robot's blades, which gives a poor cutting result, just as the machine will easily get stuck.
It is recommended to start by setting the cutting height to max (60 mm) the first time and
gradually lower the cutting height over a few days until the desired grass height is
achieved. Normally a cutting height of 30-40 mm is recommended.
The cutting height is set by pressing the STOP button (if the robot is running). When the
robot is stationary, the cutting height can be adjusted by turning the height adjustment
knob on top of the robot (see picture).
The robot lawn mower can mow grass when wet, but this will lead to greater accumulation
of grass on the underside of the robot, greater friction on the blades, higher noise level and
a greater risk of it getting stuck. Clean away the grass with a soft brush. (ALWAYS turn off
the robot before working with the blades)
Cutting limitations for robot lawn mower
If you and your neighbor both have a TEXAS robot lawn mower, it is important that there is
a minimum of 1 meter between the boundary wires to avoid interference between the wire