Enter the exact camera location via coordinates. Manage users
You can add, edit or delete users under this menu item.
To add or edit a user, click on "Add" or "Change".
A new window appears with the data and authorisations.
User name
Enter the user name here that must be entered to access the camera
User type
Select an individual user type for the user ID here.
You can choose between two predefined levels: Operator or User.
As an operator, you have the following remote functions at your disposal: Live view, PTZ control, manual
recording, playback, two-way audio, search/query work status.
As a user, you have the following remote functions at your disposal: Playback, search/ query work status.
To add further functions, select the desired checkbox.
Enter the password here that the corresponding user must enter to access the camera.
Confirm the password by entering it again.