To debond Elegance
Then remove the brackets from the tooth without pulling by twisting them briefly to the left
or right.
Please adhere to the debonding instructions in the respective instructions for use
of the brackets.
3.2. discovery
pearl, Fascination
Remove arch wire from the bracket. For debonding the discovery
recommend the special discovery
body of the bracket directly at the base. The bracket is gently removed from the bracket
adhesive by slightly tipping it sideways in the direction of the slot and archwire.
Alternatively, the straight bracket removal pliers (REF 004-346-00) can be used for debonding
the discovery
pearl brackets. Place the blades of the bracket removal pliers mesio-distally on
the bracket base, directly on the surface of the tooth. The bracket is gently removed from
the tooth by slightly twisting the pliers. The archwire can be removed beforehand – though it is
not essential.
Despite their small, delicate shape there is no risk of fracture with discovery
provided they are used correctly.
, Fascination
For the mechanical debonding we recommend the Weingart pliers (REF 003-120-00).
Remove arch wire from the bracket. To avoid damage to the bracket while debonding, place a
blue separating ring (e.g. REF 774-200-01) around the bracket base. Grasp the bracket base
mesially/distally with a Weingart plier (REF 003-120-00) at the bracket base directly at the tooth
surface. Without any pressure, but with a slight twist, remove the bracket. (DO NOT PULL).
Use of other instruments can result in bracket fracture. If the bracket fractures during
incorrect debonding, we recommend carefully removing the fractured segments and the
adhesive from the enamel using bracket debonding pliers (e.g. REF 003-349-00) or a scaler
(e.g. REF 027-349-00).
plastic brackets grip the brackets mesially and distally on the base.
, Fascination
pearldebonding instrument, REF 019-001-00, which grips the
2 and Jewels ceramic brackets
2 and Jewels ceramic brackets
orthodontic bonding system en
pearl brackets we
pearl brackets