Low shelving :
"Low shelving" allows you to increase or decrease the low end of the frequency spectrum. The low register
will be directly affected. This setting adjusts the overall level of low frequencies.
Click "Low shelving".
Then click on the frequency and set the end of this filter. For example, we want less low frequencies, so
we are going to work on a range from 10Hz to 120Hz and enter the 120Hz frequency. Let's take two exa-
mples of gain adjustment: -2dB of sound level on the 10Hz to 120Hz band, or +2dB on the same band.
This attenuates or boosts the bass level.
Save the 2dB attenuation and listen again, switching this new filter on or off.
Save your setting in your "Presets" by pressing and holding the number 1/2/3 if you are satisfied with
your setting.