For a good operation, the correct installation of the pump is fundamental:
• Before carrying out hydraulic connections, make sure that the inside of pipes, tanks, etc. have been thoroughly
cleaned/washed. However we recommend the installation of a temporary filter near to suction nozzle in order to
stop plant residues and slags.
• Connect pipes avoiding nozzles stretching
• Install pipes correctly sized for the maximum flow rate of the pump, avoid necks and tortuosity where air or gas
could be entrapped.
• Check valves and cross fittings should be installed both in the suction and discharge lines, this will permit to
disassemble the pump without draining the plant and/or to install accessories such as pressure gauges, damp-
ners a.s.o.
To prevent serious damages suction and discharge lines must be properly designed, sized and
connected to the pump.
Pump has no oil for functioning. Remove the adhesive label from the oil cap.
Fill the pump with the oil provided inside the package.
Suction line (see installation recommendations table)
• Install pipe as short as possible (fig. 1) and avoid tortuous paths (fig. 2)
• Pipe should be sized considering that the ratio between the maximum instantaneous flow rate and the average
flow rate is 3,14.
• Indicatively the installed pipe should have a diameter equal to 1.5 the diameters of the pump nozzles.
• For your guidance the recommended flow speed inside the pipes should be 0,5÷0,8 m/sec with liquids having
viscosity near water and specific gravity up 1200 Kg/m
• A permanent suction filter must be installed . The filter should have a filtering cartridge of 150 µm giving a
pressure drop less than 0.2 m.w.c. (calculated according to the a.m. coefficients). The filter should be easily
accessible and periodically checked and washed.
• In case of long lines and in order to avoid cavitation problems, install, near the pump, an expansion tank or a
damper (fig. 3).
• To prevent suction of impurities don't connect suction line to the bottom of the tank (fig. 4)
• Suction from a vacuum tank can be achieved by connecting pipes as per fig. 5. open check valve 2 and verify
the filling through the the window 3, close the check valve 2, start the pump; the non-return valve 4 prevents
liquid to flow-back when pump is stopped.
Rev. 5.2