Informative notes
Ordinary maintenance and checking operations required to ensure the vacuum efficiency are described in
this section.
Any intervention, other than ordinary maintenance operations described herein, which may be necessary to
eliminate faults or failure must be expressly authorized by the manufacturer, to whom the user must apply
always specifying the vacuum identification data.
In case of problems requiring a broaden repair operation, it is recommended to take the vacuum to the
authorized dealer whose qualified personnel, relying on expertise and knowledge of the OEM's construction
technology, will always be available to timely and properly provide service and assistance.
General safety precautions
Maintenance operations must only be executed by qualified and trained engineers operating in the specific
fields required for this machine, as follows:
Mechanical maintenance
Electrical maintenance
The person responsible of safety must verify the professional skills and competence of the
aforesaid engineers in-charge of maintenance.
Before authorizing any maintenance operations to start, the person responsible of safety must:
Clear the workplace from unauthorized people;
Ensure that all necessary tools are in good conditions and readily available to the maintenance
Check that lighting is appropriate and, if necessary, provide for supplementary portable 24 Volt lamps;
Ensure that the maintenance operator is provided with all homologated personal safety devices
required to safely execute the scheduled operation/s (gloves, goggles, safety shoes and so on);
Ensure that the maintenance operator has carefully read the herein instruction manual and perfectly
knows the vacuum working system.
Before starting any maintenance operation, the maintenance engineer must:
Unplug the machine;
Execute such operation in NON CLASSIFIED atmosphere, which means in an area with non potentially
explosive atmosphere.
Any operation on the vacuum engine or other electrical components shall only be executed by the electrical
maintenance engineer, who must be trained for this task and shall also be authorized by the person
responsible of safety.
Always use the specially provided tools for the operation to be executed and check that such tools are in
perfect conditions. Using unsuitable or inefficient or defective tools may cause serious damages and injury.
ENGLISH - 25 -