Check your faucet at least once a month for the following potential
problems and to do the following maintenance procedures:
Inspect for Leakage
Check all water connections for signs of leakage. (ill. 12)
Looseness of the product
Check for any parts that seem abnormal such as being loose as
compared when you first began using the product. (ill. 13)
Tighten the Spout and Handle Assembly
If the spout or handle is loose, tighten the mounting nut underneath
the spout or handle assembly.
If you continue to use the product with loose piping, weight is applied to
the pipe(s) and may result in water leakage.
If you leave any abnormality like looseness unfixed, part(s) may break or
plated surfaces may crack whereby injuring you.
If you find a loose part, remove the cap and retighten the screw that se-
cures the main body. In case the looseness cannot be repaired, ask your
dealer or seller for repairs (subject to billing).
ill. 12
No Water
ill. 13