Cleaning &
Inspection and
• If cleaning and disinfecting the device manually,
thoroughly wipe device using a single-use cloth dampened
with a pH-neutral, aldehyde and alkylamine-free, alcohol-based,
bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal disinfectant solution (e.g. Alpet
D2 Disinfectant or equivalent) following the manufacturer's
instructions for use. Wipe device on all surfaces.
Redampen cloth as needed.
• After 1-3 minutes of contact time, remove the disinfectant
solution residue with a damp cloth. Use deionized water to
dampen cloth.
NOTE: Any lumens, grooves, or fluid paths should be cleaned in
an equivalent manner using an appropriately sized non-abrasive
cleaning brush following the same steps above.
NOTE: Particular attention and care should be taken when
cleaning around electronic connectors. When possible, disconnect
the device from power (i.e. mains or battery). Do not stick any
damp or wet material into any electronic connector or port.
• Dry with gauze or lint-free cloth. Air dry until liquid is
no longer present (approximately 30 minutes).
• Thoroughly inspect and test the product for functionality
after each reprocessing cycle. Confirm product is free of
debris and not damaged. Devices should be replaced if any
visible wear is seen, or if any noticeable decrease in product
functionality is observed.
• No special packaging is required for sterilization.
NOTE: Electronic devices should never be placed in autoclave.
Do NOT autoclave electronic devices. Devices should be stored
within the original package, or in a cool dry location, prior to
subsequent use.