Recommended storage temperature
Relative humidity [%]
Atmospheric pressure [kPa]
Optical system
Field of view [°]
Direction of view [°]
Depth of field [mm]
Illumination method
Suction connector
Connecting tube ID [mm]
Method of sterilisation
Operating environment
Temperature [°C, (°F)]
Relative humidity [%]
Atmospheric pressure [kPa]
Altitude [m]
1. Please be aware that the bending angle can be affected if the insertion cord is not kept straight.
2. There is no guarantee that endotherapy instruments selected solely using this minimum
instrument channel width will be compatible in combination.
3. Storage under higher temperatures may impact shelf life.
6. Troubleshooting
If problems occur with the system, please use this trouble shooting guide to identify the cause
and correct the error.
aScope 5 Broncho 4.2/2.2
[°C, (°F)]
10 – 25 (50 – 77)
10 – 85
50 – 106
aScope 5 Broncho 4.2/2.2
120 (± 15 %)
0 (forward viewing)
3 – 100
Ø 5.5 – 9.0
aScope 5 Broncho 4.2/2.2
aScope 5 Broncho 4.2/2.2
10 – 40 (50 – 104)
30 – 85
80 – 106
≤ 2000
aScope 5 Broncho is biocompatible