RS 350 - 450 - 550 M / MW PRO
Welding starts as soon as the trigger is pressed and welding continues for the specified
Pnt Mode
on-time period and stands by during the length of off-time; the process continues as
long as the button is pressed. Welding will also be terminated when the trigger is
If pnt is selected in the Trigger mode, the On and Off times as well as the welding and
standby times are determined.
In pnt mode, the time the welding is active will be set. During this time, the welding will
On time (Ont)
continue and the welding will stop at the end of the period.
Setting range: 0 - 10 sec.
Stand-by time during welding is adjusted in pnt mode. During the set time, the welding
Off Time (OFt)
will stop and restart at the end of the period.
Setting range: 0 - 10 sec.
When the source is first started, the wire speed rises slowly from the lowest speed until
Soft Start (SoS)
reaching the set speed. By this means, backlash and spatters are prevented at the
beginning of the welding process.
Setting range: On - Off
When the machine is not used after the time set for sleep mode, it goes into standby
Standby Mode (SLC)
mode. This prevents unnecessary energy consumption.
Setting range: On - Off
After the use of machine has been completed, the water-cooling unit continues to
Cooling Time (Cot)
operate for the set period of time. This prevents hot water from damaging the torch.
Setting range: 4 - 10 min.