<ADDR> =
<ADDR> =
<WINDOWS>= ' 000 '...' 999' window number the meaning of the
<COMMAND>= 0x30: window value reading 0x31: window writing
<DATA> =
1) When a slave device is addressed by the master: In case of reading
request of the value contained in a window, the slave answers a
string equal to the one sent by the master but in addition there is the
field <DATA> containing the value of the window. The format of the
field <DATA> depends to the window type.
The different types are:
Tab. 6
Logic (L)
Numeric (N)
Alphanumeric (A)
Turbo-V 2000 ICE Controller User Manual / 87-900-929-01 (L)
0x80 (for RS 232 and RS 422 only)
0x80 + device number (0...31)
0xFF: brodcasting command (recognized by all the
devices, it doesn't implicate any answer)
(for RS 485 only)
window depends to the device type
alphanumeric ASCII string containing, in the case of
writing operation,the parameter to input into the
window addressed by the field <WINDOW>This field
may have variable length according to the data type
contained in the window where you are working in. In
the case of reading request of a window, the data field
doesn't exist.
XOR among all the characters following
<STX>=(withexception of <STX>), including the end
character <ETX> hexadecimally encoded by twoASCII
max 10
Technical Information
Optional Serial Port
Character permitted
'0'...'9'(Justifield to the right with '0')
' '...'_'