2 - S A F E T Y R E C O M M E N DAT I O N S / B E F O R E U S I N G Y O U R B I C Y C L E
- Make sure that the chain and the C-Link™ (connecting link) are in perfect condition, clean
and lubricated, free of damage or wear and without any rusted areas.
- Check all reflectors to make sure that they are clean, straight and securely mounted.
- Make sure that the brake system, the brake shoes, and the brake callipers' pads are in good
- Test your brakes in the beginning of your ride to make sure that they are operating properly.
- Learn and follow the local bicycle laws and regulations, and obey all traffic signals, signs
and laws while you ride
If you ever any comments, questions or concerns, please contact your nearest Campagnolo
Service Center. A list of service centers may be found on our website at www.campagnolo.com
3 - C H A I N I N S TA L L AT I O N
Always wear protective goggles and gloves when installing this chain.
An incorrectly assembled chain unexpectedly break, while riding in an accident, personal
injury, or death. If you have any doubt whatsoever regarding your ability to properly perform
any of the operations in this manual, please take your bicycle to a qualified repair shop.
A poorly joined chain could open suddenly when using the bicycle, causing accidents, physi-
cal injury or death. If you have any doubt over your ability to follow the instructions in this
manual correctly, contact a specialist mechanic.
C A M PA G N O L O . C O M