EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING SYMBOL: This symbol iden fies the terminals
which, when connected together, bring the various parts of an equipment
or of a system to the same poten al, not necesarily being the earth
(ground) poten al, e.g. for local bonding.
PROTECT EARTH (GROUND) SYMBOL: This symbol iden fies the terminal
which is intended for connec ng an external conductor for protec on
against electric shock in case of a fault, or the terminal of a protec ve earth
(ground) electrode.
MICROWAVE WARNING SYMBOL: This symbol iden fies there is a risk of
external and internal burns of body parts following exposure to microwave
HOT SURFACE WARNING SYMBOL: This symbol iden fies There is a risk of
burns from high temperatures inside the cavity and on the inside of the
appliance door.
HIGH VOLTAGE WARNING SYMBOL: This symbol iden fies a risk of high
voltage electric shock.