6.3 Operation and not suitable condition
Press the back cover of the file clip to make the hook of the file clip stick
out. And hook the metal handle of the root canal file. Release the pressure
and use the elasticity of the file clip to complete the connection between
the file clip and the root canal file.
When connecting the root canal file, make sure that the file clip and the
root canal file handle are basically perpendicular, otherwise the chuck of
the file clip will be easily damaged.
Thisequipmentdoesnotincludetherootcanal file. We need to buy another
suitable model according to the clinical needs. The metal part of the root
canal file should be well conductive.
When the file clip can't enter the patient's mouth, the file clip can
be replaced by the extension cord with the touch probe. Press the
touch probe on the metal handle of the root canal file to complete the
connection between the touch probe and the root canal file.
Hook the lips to the patient's lips. Ensure contact with the lips fully.
Then the root canal file is slowly inserted into the unblocked root canal.
If the patient is fitted with a metal crown or other conductive devices,
the root canal file clip and the metal part of the file clip should not be in
contact with it, so as to avoid causing wrong measurement results.
APEXlocatorshouldbefixedinpatient'scollar with the clip.
To prevent measurement errors caused by conduction between the gums
or adjacent root canals, dry the pulp chamber floor with cotton balls or
other means before testing.
Using the correct number and taper of the canal file, make it fully contact
with the canal wall, is conducive to accurate measurement.