Thank you for purchasing the OMRON
Your new blood pressure monitor uses the oscillometric method of blood pressure
measurement. This means the monitor detects your blood movement through your brachial
artery and converts the movements into a digital reading. An oscillometric monitor does not
need a stethoscope so the monitor is simple to use.
Intended Use
This device is a digital monitor intended for use in measuring blood pressure and pulse rate in
adult patient population. The device detects the appearance of irregular heartbeats during
measurement and gives a warning signal with the measurement result.
Important Safety Information ........................1
1. Know Your Device ....................................4
1.1 Display Symbols.....................................5
1.2 Before Taking a Measurement...............6
2. Preparation ...............................................7
2.1 Battery Installation..................................7
2.2 Using the AC adapter.............................8
2.3 Setting the TruReadTM Mode..............10
2.4 Setting the Date and Time ...................11
3. Using the Device ....................................12
3.1 Applying the Arm Cuff ..........................12
3.2 How to Sit Correctly .............................13
3.3 Taking a Measurement ........................14
3.4 Using the Memory Function................. 18
Please read this instruction manual thoroughly before using the device.
Please keep for future reference. For specific information about your own
P786CANN Blood Pressure Monitor.
3.5 Turning "OFF" the Bluetooth
4. Error Messages and Troubleshooting... 28
4.1 Error Messages ................................... 28
4.2 Troubleshooting................................... 30
5. Maintenance and Storage ......................31
5.1 Maintenance ........................................ 31
5.2 Storage ................................................ 32
5.3 Optional Medical Accessories ............. 33
6. Specifications .........................................34
7. FCC/IC Statement and Trademarks ......35
8. Limited Warranty ....................................37
9. Guidance and Manufacturer's Declaration.... 38