pressing on the handle without holding the free rope from below is dangerous. It is mandatory to also
practice using the handle release for braking/locking purposes.
The rope must always be placed with the stitched loop on the anchor point side, to be able to attach to it to
the anchor point. To install the tool on the rope, open the mobile plate, place the fixed plate on the
rope, with the attachment point towards the stitched loop (so, on the anchor side), and the handle in the
opposite direction. Pass the rope through the longitudinal space between the 2 sheaves. Close the mobile
plate symmetrically on the fixed plate, thus closing the rope inside the LOV2 device. At this stage, check that
the cleat holds the PPE correctly on the rope. To close the fixed plate, slide the plastic spacer between the
plate and the cleat axle, insert the locking screw (with its washer) in the mobile plate, in the spacer, and the
tighten it in the cleat axle, with a maximum torque of 2.90N/m.
The anchor of the system must meet the requirements of the EN 795 standard for 12kN, and the rope that
will be used must be TAZ LOV.ROPE.
Identifiable simple anchor: Connect the end of the rope.
Anchor around a structure:
Pass the rope around the structure, making sure to avoid any abrasive surfaces. Afterwards, link the two LO-
VROPE connectors in different supporting points on the harness or on the belt, directly or by means of other
connectors of the same type. If you link them to the same connector, make sure that you use a connector that
can specifically operate on all three axes (e.g., a triangular quick link).
The user loads the positioning lanyard and measures its locking effect. If it does not lock, do not use it.
Immediately contact the manufacturer – TAZ.
(Diagram I):
Firstly, install the LOV2 device on the belt via a connector that is clipped to the attachment point of the tool
and to the two holding points of the belt; then:
> Either as a double lanyard around a structure (I1):
Pass the lanyard around the structure, and connect the stitched end of the rope on the holding points of
the belt. Check that the LOV2 device is also always connected in one of the holding points of the belt. The
structure must be positioned above the user's waist.
> Or as a simple lanyard
Connect the lanyard directly in the anchor point using the stitched end of the rope. Check that the
LOV2 device is also always connected in one of the holding points of the belt. The anchor point must be
positioned above the user's waist.
For the 2 usages
I2): Always keep the lanyard tight.
To TAKE IN SLACK ON the lanyard, pull on the braking free end of the rope. To reposition yourself, load the
lanyard and firmly hold the free rope. Gradually pull the handle while holding the braking free rope to give
slack. You can also give slack by pulling the rope going to the anchor point upwards with one hand, while
holding the free rope with the other hand, never letting it go, and always maintaining the tool on the rope
axis while giving slack. After finishing, the user must always let the tool tip over by releasing it. Afterwards,
AVOID any action on the tool itself.
It is dangerous to use the handle without holding the free rope. When overgripping the handle, the
user cancels the braking effect of the LOV2 device. It is essential to practice holding the free rope, and
also releasing the handle.
The operation of the device is optimal when the usage conditions are normal, with low humidity, average
temperature (5°C to 25°C), away from sources of dust and grease. When conditions are not favourable (ex-
treme humidity and heat, rain, frost, dust, grease, etc.), there is a risk of losing the control while descending,
or to damage the rope. Additional precautions (locking tests, braking aid via a friction connector, speed
reduction, building several anchors for the descent, etc.) should be taken.
Life Cycle, Retirement:
For each use, perform the checks described in Chapter Inspections, Checking Points. The device must also be
checked by a competent inspector at least every twelve months (annual inspection); the inspector should
fill in the identification sheet available in the annex, or a copy, with the model and its identifica-
tion details. (Device number, purchase date, year of manufacture, date of the first use, exceptional events,
history of inspections, etc.) According to the intensity of the use, and factors such as ambient conditions or
regulations, the inspection frequency may increase.
The device must be retired if it is subjected to exceptional circumstances, important loads (a force over
300kg, fall arrest), used inadequately (disregarding the above-mentioned chapters), if taking a long fall or
a ground fall, etc.
The device must be retired if it presents any signs of damages, cracks or other degradation. (See Inspections,
Checking Points)
If you do not know the complete history of the tool or if you have doubts regarding its efficiency, stop using
the device and retire it.
If the use of the device becomes obsolete (due changes in legislation, technical regulations or due to
incompatibility with other devices, etc.), retire the device.
The equipment must imperatively be retired 30 years after its manufacture date.
In order to avoid any future reuse, the retirement needs to be performed by means of a destruction tool.
All modifications, part changes, and repairs are forbidden outside the TAZ workshops.
The TAZ LOV.ROPE rope must be retired 10 years after its manufacture date. The TAZ LOV.ROPE rope is
available separately, and can be installed to replace the previous one, with its LOV2 device.
The device should never be exposed to extreme temperatures. (more than 49°C or less than -20°C)
The device must never come in contact with chemical products, particularly acids and solvents. The device
should be retired even if there is the smallest doubt regarding its operational safety.
If you need to clean it, rinse the equipment with clean water. Air dry the equipment, away from any direct
heat sources.
Store the equipment in a dry place, away from UV rays, and chemical products.
The rotation axle of the mobile sheave can be lubricated gently. Proceed cautiously to avoid contaminating
the ropes. (Rope contamination and locking function failure can occur.)
Precautionary Manipulation and Storage: The polyamide, that the rope is made of, is very sensitive to cuts,
friction, heat, UV rays, chemical products, paint, fuel, and acids. (pay attention to batteries)
The contractual warranty is valid for three years, and applies to parts and workmanship of the metallic
parts exclusively for any manufacturing defects; the warranty excludes normal wear, inappropriate use, as