Pre-sep a ra tor (cy clone) - op tion
An ex haust air pre-sep a ra tor (1) with an in te grated dirt sep a ra tor
(2) con nected to a vi sual air fil ter main te nance dis play (3) is avail -
able as an op tion. This makes the air fil ter last lon ger.
The pre-sep a ra tor is main te nance-free.
6. Main ten an ce en gi ne
The vi sual main te nance dis play (3) al lows the ac tual dirt level in
the air fil ter to be read even when the en gine is off. The yel low in -
di ca tor bar has 12 stages. The dis play field shows the re main ing
air fil ter life as dirt builds up.
Fil ter main te nance is nec es sary when the yel low bar reaches the
red zone. Per form fil ter main te nance as de scribed in Sec tion 6.3.
Af ter main te nance, the main te nance dis play can be re set with
the press of a but ton.