6. Main te nance en gine
Clean the fil ter hous ing (5), es pe cially at the back.
Hold the fil ter car tridge (4) at an an gle up to the light, or shine
lamp light through it, and check it for tears and other dam age.
Blow dry com pressed air (max. 5 bar / 72.5 psi) through the fil -
ter car tridge (4) from the in side out.
Risk of in ju ry.
When wor king with com pres sed air, fo reign bo -
dies can go in to the ey es.
We ar sa fe ty spec ta cles
Ne ver point the jet of com pres sed air at a per son
or one self.
Note the num ber of fil ter car tridge cleanings.
Care fully in stall the fil ter car tridge (4).
Put on the fil ter cover (3).