6. Main te nance en gine
6.2 Che cking the en gi ne oil le vel
En vi ron men tal haz ard through op er at ing ma te ri -
Col lect used oil and dis pose of it in an en vi ron -
men tally sound way.
Do not let oil seep into the ground or sewer.
Re pla ce de fec ti ve se als im me di ate ly.
Set the vi brat ing tam per aside hor i zon tally.
Shut off the en gine.
Pull out the oil cap/dip stick (1) and clean it.
Put the oil cap/dip stick (1) into the filler hole, but don't screw it
Pull the oil cap/dip stick (1) out and check the oil level.
If nec es sary, fill the oil to the up per limit mark (the lower edge
of the filler hole).Do not over fill.
Screw the oil cap/dip stick (1) in and lock it.