3.2 Be fore us ing
Use per sonal pro tec tive equip ment (es pe cially
noise pro tec tion de vices and safety shoes).
Fol low the safety in struc tions.
Fol low the op er a tion and main te nance man ual.
Read the en gine op er at ing man ual.Com ply with
its in struc tions for safety, op er a tion and main te -
Set the ma chine on an even sur face.
In spec tion
En gine oil level
Fuel sup ply
Padfoot oil level
Fuel tank and lines for leaks
Bel lows for dam age and leaks
Screw con nec tions for tight ness
Con di tions of the en gine and the ma chine
If lu bri ca tion is needed, add it ac cord ing to the lu bri ca tion
3. Ope ra ti on