3. Ope ra ti on
3.3 En gine op er a tion
Low oil pro tec tion
The en gine is equipped with low oil pro tec tion:
If the en gine oil is too low, the en gine won't start.
When the starter han dle (1) is pulled, the con trol light (2)
blinks.In this case
Check the en gine oil level and top it off, if nec es sary.
Re peat the start ing pro cess.
Start the en gine
Turn the fu el tap (3) «ON».
Set the choke le ver (4) to «CLOSE».
Do not use the choke (4) if the en gine is hot or the out -
door tem per a ture is high. If the en gine does n't start at
op er at ing tem per a ture, close the choke be fore start -