10.16 Only for motorized version
10.16.1 Nosepiece rotation
1. To change magnification it is possible operate on the nose-
piece movement buttons located on the right side of the
frame. (Fig. 35). Orange button ① rotates the nosepiece
clockwise, while the blue button ② rotates the nosepiece
2. As an alternative it is possible operate on the right and left
mouse buttons.
10.16.2 Focusing
Focus motor is activated through the mouse wheel. Front or
rear rotation of the mouse wheel raises or lowers the stage.
(Fig. 36)
1. By moving the mouse wheel without pressing it, the micro-
scope moves in "fine" mode along the Z axis.
2. By simultaneously moving and pressing the mouse wheel
the microscope moves along the Z-axis in accelerated mode
("coarse" mode), facilitating specimen change or oil position-
NOTE: Rotations in accelerated mode are 'discretized': a
single step of rotation quickly moves the stage along the
Z-axis by approximately 4 mm.
NOTE: If after the first rotation, you press and turn the
mouse wheel again while the stage is moving, there will
be no effect. To obtain a second "step" of the stage, you
must wait until the first step is completed.
10.16.3 Stage
1. Stage is moved through the mouse movement. A mouse
movement to the front or to the back ③ causes a stage
movement of the stage along the Y axis, while a left or right
movement ④ causes a stage movement of the stage along
the X axis. (Fig. 37)
2. It is always possible, however, operate on the translation
knobs of the stage for a manual movement.
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ig. 35
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ig. 36
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ig. 37