Obtaining Double Scan Image (optional)
FOV 18X15 images can be acquired by upper/lower double scans and stitched to
acquire full FOV 18x24 CBCT images.
X-ray Exposure
Get out of the X-ray room and close the door.
Press and hold down the Exposure Switch until image acquisition is completed.
Green X 18
(Model: PHT-75CHS) User Manual
Patient anatomy that is within a central 6 cm tall region of the
FOV [comprising 25 % of the total FOV] may receive an
increased x-ray dose depending on the FOV setting.
If an emergency occurs during image acquisition,
release the Exposure Switch to cease X-ray emission.
The operator shall always observe the X-ray safety
regulations applicable to his/her area during this
equipment's operation.
The operator must always keep vocal/visual contact with
the patient during the image acquisition process.
Do not operate the PC during exposure. Doing so may
cause the system to malfunction.
Let the patient close his or her eyes during the
To acquire optimized images, instruct the patient to hold
his/her breath and not to swallow. Also, do not let the
patient move until the Temple Supports are open.
Yellow: X-ray On
5. Acquiring CBCT Images