5 Assembly
Choose the right location for your fan and take all
necessary safety precautions before you start the in-
stallation. Loosen the screws on the side of the roof
support as shown in the illustration below. Draw your
drill holes through the panel with a pencil, placing
them on the ceiling. Drill the holes with a drill bit.
Check that your holes fit well on the board and then
tighten the screws. Do the same operation on a woo-
den beam with a very fine drill bit to guide the screw
so that it is not at an angle in the wood. With drywall,
try to find the metal structure to ensure the stability
of the fan. Without a metal structure, the fan should
not be mounted on plasterboard below 9 mm. In the
case of drywall, you can add a rubber or foam pad un-
der the board. Drywall can create „sound box" and the
slightest vibrations will be amplified significantly. If
your electrical outlets are already in place, make sure
they are placed in the centre of the mounting plate.
Tighten the screws so that the panel lies flat against
the ceiling.
Take the already mounted ceiling rod consisting of:
Hemisphere, extension (the rod), a flat through bolt,
a locking pin at the
end of the through bolt. Disassemble the parts star-
ting with the hemisphere. To do this, unscrew the
screw on the side. Carefully slide the hemisphere
downwards and you will access a cylinder to be re-
moved. Slide the hemisphere upwards to remove it.
Remove the pin from the through bolt at the other end
of the rod. Remove the through bolt.