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Sommaire des Matières pour Hettich EBA 280

  • Page 2 Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co. KG Föhrenstraße 12, D-78532 Tuttlingen / Germany Phone +49 (0)7461 / 705-0 +49 (0)7461 / 705-1125 info@hettichlab.com, service@hettichlab.com www.hettichlab.com AB1101DEENFRIT / Rev. 04...
  • Page 3 EG-Konformitätserklärung EC Declaration of conformity Déclaration de conformité CE Dichiarazione di conformità CE Laborzentrifuge / Laboratory centrifuge / Centrifugeuse de laboratoire / Centrifuga di laboratorio EBA 280 / EBA 280 S Folgende weitere europäische Richtlinien und Verordnungen wurden angewandt:...
  • Page 4 The following additional European directives and ordinances have been applied: Les autres directives et normes européennes suivantes ont été appliquées: Sono state applicate le seguenti direttive e regolamenti europei:...
  • Page 5 Für dieses Gerät gültige Normen und Vorschriften Elektrische und mechanische Sicherheit für Konstruktion und Endprüfung: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit: Risikomanagement: Beschränkung gefährlicher Stoffe (RoHS II): Für Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren geltende Europäische Richtlinien: Außerhalb Europas geltende Richtlinien für Medizinprodukte: Kanada: Zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagementsystem gemäß Umweltmanagementsystem gemäß...
  • Page 6 Standards and regulations which apply to this device Electrical and mechanical safety for design and final testing: Electromagnetic Compatibility: Risk management: Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS II): European directives applied for conformity assessment procedures: Applied medical device regulations outside Europe: USA: Canada: Certified quality management system according to...
  • Page 7 Normes et règles en vigueur pour cet appareil Sécurité électrique et mécanique pour la construction et l'inspection finale : Compatibilité électromagnétique : Gestion des risques : Restrictions relatives aux substances dangereuses (RoHS II): Directives européennes valables pour des procédures d'évaluation de la conformité : Directives pour dispositifs médicaux, valables en dehors de l'Europe : Canada: Système de management de la qualité...
  • Page 8 Norme e direttive valide per questo apparecchio Sicurezza elettrica e meccanica per la costruzione ed il collaudo finale: Compatibilità elettromagnetica: Gestione dei rischi: Restrizione per prodotti pericolosi (RoHS II): Direttive europee che sono di validità per il procedimento di valutazione della conformità: Direttive valide al di fuori dell'ambito europeo per i prodotti medicali: Kanada: Certificato sistema di gestione della qualità, conforme a...
  • Page 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis...
  • Page 12 Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung Restrisiken...
  • Page 13 Technische Daten...
  • Page 14 Sicherheitshinweise Werden nicht alle Hinweise in dieser Bedienungsanleitung befolgt, kann beim Hersteller kein Gewährleistungsanspruch geltend gemacht werden. Die Zentrifuge ist so aufzustellen, dass sie standsicher betrieben werden kann. Vor Benutzung der Zentrifuge unbedingt überprüfen, dass der Rotor auf der Motorwelle eingerastet ist.
  • Page 15 Transport und Lagerung Transport Lagerung Lieferumfang...
  • Page 16 Transportsicherung entfernen Inbetriebnahme Die Zentrifuge an einem geeigneten Platz standsicher aufstellen und nivellieren. Bei der Aufstellung ist der geforderte Sicherheitsbereich gemäß EN / IEC 61010-2-020, von 300 mm um die Zentrifuge herum, einzuhalten. Während eines Zentrifugationslaufes dürfen sich gemäß EN / IEC 61010-2-020, in einem Sicherheitsbereich von 300 mm um die Zentrifuge herum, keine Personen, Gefahrstoffe und Gegenstände befinden.
  • Page 17 Deckel öffnen und schließen 11.1 Deckel öffnen PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 11.2 Deckel schließen PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 18 Einsetzen und Herausnehmen des Rotors Rotor mit Entriegelungsknopf Einsetzen des Rotors: Herausnehmen des Rotors: Rotor ohne Entriegelungsknopf Einsetzen des Rotors: Herausnehmen des Rotors:...
  • Page 19 Beladen des Rotors gleichen Nicht zulässig!
  • Page 20 Bedien- und Anzeigeelemente PROG t/min:s START PULSE STOP PROG OPEN 14.1 Angezeigte Symbole 14.2 Tasten des Bedienfeldes PROG START PULSE STOP OPEN...
  • Page 21 14.3 Einstellmöglichkeiten PROG RCL Programmplatz des abzurufenden Programms. t/min Laufzeit t/sec Laufzeit Dauerlauf --:-- t/min t/sec Begins at Zählung der Laufzeit. START Begins at SPEED Drehzahl RAD/mm Zentrifugierradius Relative Zentrifugalbeschleunigung Anlaufstufen 1 - 9 Bremsstufen 0 - 9 PROG STO Programmplatz auf dem das Programm gespeichert wird.
  • Page 22 Programmierung 15.1 Programme eingeben oder ändern t/min t/sec --:-- PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG RCL : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 23 Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG STO : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 24 15.2 Programme abrufen Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG PROG RCL : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 15.3 Programme speichern Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 25 Zentrifugation PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 16.1 Zentrifugation mit Zeitvorwahl Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 26 Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN 16.2 Dauerlauf Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min t/sec START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE STOP PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 27 16.3 Kurzzeitzentrifugation Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE Not-Stopp Beispiel: Beispiel: RPM-Anzeige (RPM) RCF-Anzeige ( RCF ) STOP PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 28 Rotorerkennung PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 29 Zyklenzähler PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Beispiel: PROG t/min:s maxRPM : PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 30 Beispiel: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE Einstellungen und Abfragen PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Abfrage: Einstellung: Abfrage: Einstellung:...
  • Page 31 20.1 System-Informationen abfragen STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s RPMmax : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 32 20.2 Akustisches Signal STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE End beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Error beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 33 START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 20.3 Optisches Signal nach Beendigung des Zentrifugationslaufes STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s End blinking : off : on : PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 34 20.4 Automatisches Entriegeln des Deckels nach dem Zentrifugationslauf STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Lid AutoOpen : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 35 20.5 Hintergrundbeleuchtung der Anzeige STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Power save : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 36 20.6 Angezeigte Zentrifugations-Parameter nach dem Einschalten des Gerätes STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Start Pr : First : Last : First Last PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 37 20.7 Funktion "Dual time" aktivieren/deaktivieren Begins at START Begins at SPEED STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Dual time : on : off : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG...
  • Page 38 20.8 Die Betriebsstunden und die Anzahl der Zentrifugationsläufe abfragen STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE TimeExt : PROG t/min:s TimeInt : PROG t/min:s Starts : PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 39 20.9 Zyklenzähler auf Null zurücksetzen STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Cyc sum : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 40 Relative Zentrifugalbeschleunigung (RCF) Zentrifugation von Stoffen oder Stoffgemischen mit einer höheren Dichte als 1,2 kg/dm Notentriegelung...
  • Page 41 Pflege und Wartung 24.1 Zentrifuge (Gehäuse, Deckel und Schleuderraum) 24.1.1 Oberflächenreinigung und -pflege 24.1.2 Oberflächendesinfektion 24.1.3 Entfernen radioaktiver Verunreinigungen...
  • Page 42 24.2 Rotoren und Zubehör 24.2.1 Reinigung und Pflege 24.2.2 Desinfektion 24.2.3 Entfernen radioaktiver Verunreinigungen 24.2.4 Rotoren und Zubehör mit begrenzter Verwendungsdauer...
  • Page 43 24.3 Autoklavieren 24.4 Zentrifugiergefäße...
  • Page 44 Störungen Anzeige Ursache Beseitigung START PULSE...
  • Page 45 Anzeige Ursache Beseitigung Netzeingangssicherungen wechseln Modell Sicherung Best.-Nr.
  • Page 46 Rücksendung von Geräten Entsorgung...
  • Page 47 Contents...
  • Page 50 Intended use Remaining risks...
  • Page 51 Technical specifications...
  • Page 52 Notes on safety No claim of warranty will be considered by the manufacturer unless ALL instructions in this manual have been followed. The centrifuge should be installed on a good, stable base. Before using the centrifuge, make sure you check that the rotor is engaged on the motor shaft. When the centrifuge is running, according to EN / IEC 61010-2-020, no persons, dangerous substances or objects may be within the safety margin of 300 mm around the centrifuge.
  • Page 53 Transport and storage Transport Storage Scope of delivery...
  • Page 54 Removing the transport securing device Initial operation Position the centrifuge in a stable and level manner in a suitable place. During set-up, the required safety margin of 300 mm around the centrifuge is to be kept according to EN / IEC 61010-2-020. When the centrifuge is running, according to EN / IEC 61010-2-020, no persons, dangerous substances or objects may be within the safety margin of 300 mm around the centrifuge.
  • Page 55 Opening and closing the lid 11.1 Opening the lid PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 11.2 Closing the lid PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 56 Inserting and removing the rotor Rotor with unlocking knob Inserting the rotor: Removing the rotor: Rotor without unlocking knob Inserting the rotor: Removing the rotor:...
  • Page 57 Loading the rotor identical Not permitted!
  • Page 58 Operating and display elements PROG t/min:s START PULSE STOP PROG OPEN 14.1 Displayed symbols 14.2 Control panel keys PROG START PULSE STOP OPEN...
  • Page 59 14.3 Setting options PROG RCL Program location of the program to be called t/min Runtime t/sec Runtime Continuous run --:-- t/min t/sec Begins at Counting the runtime. START Begins at SPEED Speed RAD/mm Centrifuging radius Relative centrifugal acceleration Starting steps 1 - 9. Brake steps 0 - 9 PROG STO Program location where the program is stored.
  • Page 60 Programming 15.1 Inputting or changing programs t/min t/sec --:-- PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG RCL : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG...
  • Page 61 Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG STO : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 62 15.2 Calling up programs Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG PROG RCL : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 15.3 Saving programs Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF )
  • Page 63 Centrifugation PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 16.1 Centrifugation with preset time Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 64 Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN 16.2 Continuous run Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min t/sec START PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 65 16.3 Short-term centrifugation Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE Emergency Stop Example: Example: RPM display (RPM) RCF display ( RCF ) STOP PROG...
  • Page 66 Rotor detection PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 67 Cycle counter PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Example: PROG t/min:s maxRPM : STOP PROG t/min:s OPEN...
  • Page 68 Example: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE Settings and queries PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Query: Setting: Query: Setting:...
  • Page 69 20.1 Querying system information STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s RPMmax : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 70 20.2 Acoustic signal STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE End beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Error beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 71 START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 20.3 Optical signal after ending the centrifugation run STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s End blinking : off : on : PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 72 20.4 Automatic unlocking of the lid after the centrifugation run STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Lid AutoOpen : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 73 20.5 Backlighting of the display STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Power save : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 74 20.6 Displayed centrifugation parameters after switching on the device STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Start Pr : First : Last : First Last PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG...
  • Page 75 20.7 Activating/deactivating the "Dual time" function Begins at START Begins at SPEED STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Dual time : on : off : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 76 20.8 Querying the hours of operation and the number of centrifugation runs STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE TimeExt : PROG t/min:s TimeInt : PROG t/min:s Starts : PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 77 20.9 Resetting the cycle counter to zero STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Cyc sum : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 78 Relative centrifugal force (RCF) Centrifugation of materials or mixtures of materials with a density higher than 1.2 kg/dm Emergency unlocking...
  • Page 79 Maintenance and servicing 24.1 Centrifuge (housing, lid and centrifuging chamber) 24.1.1 Surface cleaning and care 24.1.2 Surface disinfection 24.1.3 Removal of radioactive contaminants...
  • Page 80 24.2 Rotors and Attachments 24.2.1 Cleaning and care 24.2.2 Disinfection 24.2.3 Removal of radioactive contaminants 24.2.4 Rotors and accessories with limited service lives...
  • Page 81 24.3 Autoclaving 24.4 Centrifuge containers...
  • Page 82 Faults Message / fault Cause Remedy START PULSE...
  • Page 83 Message / fault Cause Remedy...
  • Page 84 Change mains input fuses Model Type Fuse Order no. Returning Devices Disposal...
  • Page 85 Table des matières...
  • Page 88 Utilisation conforme Risques résiduels...
  • Page 89 Données techniques...
  • Page 90 Consignes de sécurité Aucune demande garantie ne pourra être revendiquée auprès du fabricant si les indications données dans ce mode d'emploi ne sont pas toutes respectées. Veiller à la stabilité de la centrifugeuse. Avant d'utiliser la centrifugeuse, impérativement vérifier si le rotor est enclenché sur l'arbre moteur.
  • Page 91 Transport et stockage Transport Stockage Etendue de la livraison...
  • Page 92 Retirer les dispositifs de sécurité pour le transport Mise en service Placer la centrifugeuse sur un emplacement approprié de manière à ce qu'elle soit stable et mettre de niveau. Lors de la mise en place, il faut respecter la zone de sécurité exigée de 300mm autour de la centrifugeuse selon EN / IEC 61010-2-020.
  • Page 93 Ouvrir et fermer le couvercle 11.1 Ouvrir le couvercle PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 11.2 Fermer le couvercle PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 94 Insérer et retirer le rotor Rotor avec bouton de déverrouillage Insérer le rotor : Retirer le rotor : Rotor sans bouton de déverrouillage Insérer le rotor : Retirer le rotor :...
  • Page 95 Chargement du rotor mêmes Non autorisé !
  • Page 96 Eléments de commande et d'affichage PROG t/min:s START PULSE STOP PROG OPEN 14.1 Pictogrammes 14.2 Touches du champ de commande PROG START PULSE STOP OPEN...
  • Page 97 14.3 Réglages possibles PROG RCL Emplacement de programme devant être appelé. t/min Durée de fonctionnement t/sec Durée de fonctionnement Fonctionnement continu --:-- t/min t/sec Begins at Compter la durée du cycle. START Begins at SPEED Vitesse de rotation RAD/mm Rayon de centrifugation Accélération centrifuge relative PROG STO Emplacement sur lequel enregistrer le programme.
  • Page 98 Programmation 15.1 Entrer ou modifier des programmes PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG RCL: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 99 Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG STO: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 100 15.2 Appeler des programmes Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG PROG RCL: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 15.3 Enregistrer les programmes Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF )
  • Page 101 Centrifugation PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 16.1 Centrifugation avec présélection temps Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 102 Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN 16.2 Fonctionnement continu Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min t/sec START PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 103 16.3 Cycle de centrifugation court Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE Arrêt d'urgence Exemple: Exemple: affichage RPM (RPM) affichage RCF ( RCF ) STOP PROG...
  • Page 104 Reconnaissance du rotor PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 105 Compteur de cycles PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Exemple: PROG t/min:s maxRPM: PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 106 Exemple: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE Réglages et demandes PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Demande: Réglage: Demande: Réglage:...
  • Page 107 20.1 Demander des informations sur le système STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s RPMmax: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 108 20.2 Signal sonore STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE End beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Error beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 109 START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 20.3 Signal optique à la fin du cycle de centrifugation STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s End blinking : off : on : PROG...
  • Page 110 20.4 Déverrouillage automatique du couvercle après le cycle de centrifugation STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Lid AutoOpen : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 111 20.5 Eclairage d'arrière-plan de l'affichage STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Power save : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 112 20.6 Paramètres de centrifugation affichés après activation de l'appareil STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Start Pr: First: Last: First Last PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 113 20.7 Activer/désactiver la fonction "Dual time" Begins at START Begins at SPEED STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Dual time: on : off : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG...
  • Page 114 20.8 Demander les heures de fonctionnement et le nombre de cycles de centrifugation STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE TimeExt : PROG t/min:s TimeInt : PROG t/min:s Starts : PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 115 20.9 Remettre le compteur de cycles à zéro STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Cyc sum : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 116 Accélération centrifuge relative (RCF) Centrifugation de matières et de mélanges d'une densité supérieure à 1,2 kg/dm Déverrouillage de secours...
  • Page 117 Entretien et maintenance 24.1 Centrifugeuse (boîtier, couvercle et cuve) 24.1.1 Entretien et nettoyage des surfaces 24.1.2 Désinfection des surfaces 24.1.3 Décontamination de substances radioactives...
  • Page 118 24.2 Rotors et accessoires 24.2.1 Nettoyage et entretien 24.2.2 Désinfection 24.2.3 Décontamination de substances radioactives 24.2.4 Rotors et accessoires à durée d'utilisation limitée...
  • Page 119 24.3 Autoclavage 24.4 Réservoirs de centrifugation...
  • Page 120 Défauts Message / Erreur Origine Solution START PULSE...
  • Page 121 Message / Erreur Origine Solution...
  • Page 122 Changer les fusibles d'entrée de secteur Modèle Type Fusible N° de commande Renvoi d'appareils au fabricant Élimination des déchets...
  • Page 123 Indice...
  • Page 127 Dati tecnici...
  • Page 128 Indicazioni inerenti la sicurezza Se non vengono rispettate tutte le avvertenze riportate in queste istruzioni per il funzionamento, non può essere accettata da parte del costruttore alcuna richiesta di garanzia. La centrifuga deve venire posizionata in modo sicuro. Prima di utilizzare la centrifuga verificare assolutamente, che il rotore sia innestato sull'albero motore.
  • Page 129 Trasporto ed immagazzinaggio Trasporto Immagazzinaggio Entità di fornitura...
  • Page 130 Rimuovere il dispositivo di sicurezza per il trasporto Messa in funzione Porre la centrifuga in un posto adatto e livellarla. Per l’installazione deve essere rispettata la zona di sicurezza di 300 mm attorno alla centrifuga, richiesta in conformità alle norme EN / IEC 61010-2-020 Durante un’operazione di centrifugazione, in una zona di sicurezza di 300 mm attorno alla centrifuga non deve sostare alcuna persona, materiali pericolosi ed oggetti, in conformità...
  • Page 131 Aprire e chiudere il coperchio 11.1 Aprire il coperchio PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 11.2 Chiudere il coperchio PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 132 Installazione ed estrazione del rotore Rotore con pulsante di sbloccaggio Installazione del rotore: Estrazione del rotore: Rotore senza pulsante di sbloccaggio Installazione del rotore: Estrazione del rotore:...
  • Page 133 Carico del rotore uguali Non ammesso!
  • Page 134 Elementi di comando e di visualizzazione PROG t/min:s START PULSE STOP PROG OPEN 14.1 Simboli esposti 14.2 Tasti del campo di comando PROG START PULSE STOP OPEN...
  • Page 135 14.3 Possibilità di regolazione PROG RCL Posto di programma del programma da richiamare. t/min Tempo di funzionamento t/sec Tempo di funzionamento Funzionamento continuo --:-- t/min t/sec Begins at Conteggio del tempo di processo. START Begins at SPEED Regime di rotazione RAD/mm Raggio di centrifugazione Accelerazione relativa di centrifuga...
  • Page 136 Programmazione 15.1 Immettere o modificare i dati t/min t/sec --:-- PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG RCL : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 137 Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG STO : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 138 15.2 Richiamare i programmi Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG PROG RCL : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 15.3 Memorizzare programmi Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF )
  • Page 139 Centrifugazione PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s 16.1 Centrifugazione con preselezione del tempo Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 140 Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN 16.2 Funzionamento continuo Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s t/min t/sec START PROG t/min:s PROG...
  • Page 141 16.3 Centrifugazione breve Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE Arresto di Emergenza Esempio: Esempio: Indicazione RPM (RPM) Indicazione RCF ( RCF ) STOP PROG...
  • Page 142 Riconoscimento rotore PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 143 Contatore cicli PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Esempio: PROG t/min:s maxRPM : PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN...
  • Page 144 Esempio: PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 145 Impostazioni e consultazioni PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Consultazione: Impostazione: Consultazione: Impostazione:...
  • Page 146 20.1 Consultare informazioni di sistema STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s RPMmax : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 147 STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 20.2 Segnale acustico STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE End beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Error beep : off : on : PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 148 START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s 20.3 Segnale ottico dopo la fine del processo di centrifugazione STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s End blinking : off : on : PROG...
  • Page 149 20.4 Sbloccaggio automatico del coperchio dopo il processo di centrifugazione STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Lid AutoOpen : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 150 20.5 Illuminazione di sfondo della videata STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Power save : off : on : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 151 20.6 Parametro di centrifugazione indicato dopo l'inserimento dell'apparecchiatura STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Start Pr : First : Last : impostare First Last PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG...
  • Page 152 20.7 Attivare/ disattivare funzione "Dual time" Begins at START Begins at SPEED STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Dual time : on : off : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE...
  • Page 153 20.8 Consultazione delle ore di funzionamento e della quantità di processi di centrifugazione STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE TimeExt : PROG t/min:s TimeInt : PROG t/min:s Starts : PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 154 20.9 Resettare su zero il contatore cicli STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PULSE PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s Cyc sum : PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s START PROG t/min:s PULSE PROG t/min:s STOP OPEN PROG t/min:s PROG t/min:s...
  • Page 155 Accelerazione centrifuga relativa (RCF) Centrifugazione di sostanze o di miscele di sostanze con densità maggiore di 1,2 kg/dm Sbloccaggio di emergenza...
  • Page 156 Pulizia e manutenzione 24.1 Centrifughe (scatola, coperchio e vano di centrifugazione) 24.1.1 Cura e pulizia delle superfici 24.1.2 Disinfezione delle superfici 24.1.3 Rimuovere contaminazioni radioattive...
  • Page 157 24.2 Rotori ed accessori 24.2.1 Pulizia e cura 24.2.2 Disinfezione 24.2.3 Rimuovere contaminazioni radioattive 24.2.4 Rotori ed accessori con limitata durata di impiego...
  • Page 158 24.3 Mantenere in autoclave 24.4 Contenitori centrifuga...
  • Page 159 Guasti Visualizzazione/guasto Causa Eliminazione START PULSE...
  • Page 160 Visualizzazione/guasto Causa Eliminazione Sostituzione fusibili entrata rete Modello Tipo Fusibile N° ord.
  • Page 161 Rispedizione di apparecchi Smaltimento...
  • Page 162 Anhang / Appendix 29.1 Rotoren und Zubehör / Rotors and accessories 1146 1147 1147 1063-6 Ausschwingrotor 6-fach / Swing out rotor 6-times 0518 1146 1147 1147 + 1053-6 Ausschwingrotor 6-fach / Swing out rotor 6-times...
  • Page 163 1142 1127-A Ausschwingrotor 12-fach / Swing out rotor 12-times 1148 Ausschwingrotor 8-fach / Swing out rotor 8-times...
  • Page 164 1137 1634 1633 1635 Winkelrotor 6-fach / Angle rotor 6-times 1137 1632 1641 1631 1635 + 1054-A Winkelrotor 6-fach / Angle rotor 6-times...
  • Page 165 1139 Winkelrotor 12-fach / Angle rotor 12-times 1139 1058 6305 1063-6 Winkelrotor 12-fach / Angle rotor 12-times 0509 0507...
  • Page 166 1133 Winkelrotor 12-fach / (mit Dekantierhilfe) Angle rotor 12-times with decanter aid...

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Eba 280 s